Facial Recognition Data Collection and How It Works? – GTS AI

Facial Recognition Data Collection and How It Works? - GTS AI
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Since a decade we have been seeing a boom in technology. Till the 1900’s no one knew about smart phones or elevators that can sense a human or face recognition. Today, you can unlock your phone using your fingerprint. How are all these things possible and what is the technology behind it. Facial Recognition Data Collection.

Artificial intelligence – yes, we use artificial intelligence but we need to collect a lot of data to put things into practice. Have you heard of speech recognition or driver less cars. Well, that is all possible because of artificial intelligence. The reproduction of human intelligence process by computer systems is known as Artificial Intelligence.

What is Facial Recognition?

A bio-metric software application capable of distinctively verifying or identifying a person by analyzing and comparing patterns based on the person’s facial shapes is referred to as face recognition. Another term used for facial recognition is face recognition. There is increasing interest in other areas of use although it is mostly used for security purposes. Lately, the face recognition technology has got noteworthy attention. It has potential for a wide range of application. These application can be related to other enterprises and law enforcement. Facial Recognition Data Collection is an important part of the entire process.


How Does Face Recognition Work?

Facial recognition data collection helps in analyzing and comparing an individual’s facial details.

An important step in the entire process is face detection. It locates as well as detects human faces in videos as well as images.

The next step is the transformation of the analog information i.e a face into a set of digital information based on the person’s facial features. This process is known as the face capture process.

If two faces belong to the same person is verified by the face match process.

These processes are measured to be the most normal ones of all bio-metric measurements.

For example we recognize ourselves by looking at our faces not by looking at our irises or fingerprints.

Facial data collection to verify and identify

Authentication and identification of a person is done using bio-metric. It is done using a set of verifiable as well as recognizable data specific and unique to that person. “Are you really who you say you are?” is a question answered by Authentication whereas

“Who are you? Is a question answered by Identification.

Let us explain this with the help of a few examples:

People who own iPhone X have been introduced to facial recognition technology. As the Face ID bio-metric solution developed by Apple was unable to differentiate between certain Chinese faces it was heavily criticized in China in late 2017.

A 2D or 3D sensor “captures” a face, in the case of facial bio-metrics. Prior to comparing the image captured to those held in a database. It then transforms it into digital data by applying an algorithm.

Facial Recognition Data Collection is helpful in collecting information like bridge of the nose, contour of the lips, ears, chin as well as spacing of the eyes. With the help of this technology these automated systems can be used to check or identify the identity of personalities in just a few seconds based on their facial features. This can even be done in the middle of a crowd and within unstable and dynamic environments.

Digitization of veins in the palm of the hand behavioral measurements, fingerprints, iris scans as well as voice recognition are other signatures via the human body also exist.

In conclusion, the face recognition technology would not exist without facial data collection. It is indeed an important part of the whole process.

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